I am excited to announce that Trek Score v1.0 is now available in the App Store for the iPod, iPhone and iPad devices…
It is an easy
to use scoring application for the popular Star Trek deck building games. Trek
Score knows about all of the series and possible game plays. It knows what the
win conditions are and what point cards exist in each scenario. This makes
scoring your game extremely simple. To create a new game, simply touch the
“New Game” button, select the game type, add a few players and touch the
“Start Game” button! From there, select a user, touch one of the score buttons
and watch Trek Score do all the work. For games that have a point win
condition, Trek Score is able to automatically detect when a winner exists.
Don’t worry, it’ll let you know! Trek Score tracks players so next time
through you just click on an existing player to add them to a new game.
Trek Score tracks the play time, players, scores and of course winners.
Speaking of, it knows how to track multiple winners for all the team based
scenarios that can be played in the game. With this data, Trek Score can then
show player statistics such as the last time a player played, how many games
they have played, won, lost, average score and the all important win ratio.
It is packed with all sorts of additional features such as play timers,
multiple game tracking, intelligent add/subtract score buttons, smart game
setup and more.
It is my hopes that Trek Score will make your Star Trek deck building game
time that much more enjoyable.