Gridsquare is a simple yet advanced Maidenhead Grid Square display utility for Amateur Radio Operators who enjoy roving around the world giving fixed operators the chance to work as many grid squares and counties as possible. It accomplishes this task by presenting cleary to the operator the current grid square to 6 digits (3 pairs), the current UTC time (as well as local). Currently most roving operators must carry around paper maps to achieve the highest quality of reporting. Not any longer. In addition to reporting the grid square, Gridsquare reports the location expressed as City, State and County in addition to showing the users location on a moving map.
The Geocoding feature is intellegent in that it only takes place when the location has changed enough distance and the last geocoding request wasn’t too recent in time. This saves network requests, bandwidth and battery.
NOTE: Gridsquare is not yet available in the App Store. When it is, we will link to it from this page and make an announcement.